Ballet rotoscope
How to catch ballet movement in lines. Like this!
How to catch ballet movement in lines. Like this!
At the entrance of Taalunie (Dutch Language Union) is a wall image of words which I made a few years ago. Every employee may choose a word, which I draw on the wall. And this time I could add ‘kansen’ (which means opportunities in Dutch).
We are surrounded by types, the words on signs, buses, shops and documents which guide us through our lives. Two types in particular are regarded as the faces of Britain – Johnston and Gill Sans. Their story is told by typeface expert Mark Ovenden. Fascinating history of the two most common type faces in Britain.
Dave Towers hand paints with steady hands! Love it!
With such an easy movement you can get such a strong form! The world is ingenious. “Giotto Circle #2” by artist James Nares Here you can read more about the famous circle of Giotto.
The founding project on INDIEGO PrinCube-The World’s Smallest Mobile Color Printer is definitly magic!
Motion lives in stillness. I love this book! Poemotin by Takahiro Kurashima Publisher: Lars Müller
Beginning to draw at the top is not traditional nor very logical to do. But the video of Trương DP drawing from top to bottom like a printer is incredible fascinating. Sometimes I also do not write from left to right, like here and here.